"You may say that I am a dreamer/But I am not the only one" John Lennon: "Imagine"

"So come brothers and sisters/For the struggle carries on" Billy Bragg: "The Internationale"

Elizannie has a reading room at 'Clarice's Book Page' http://www.villiersroad.blogspot.com/

Saturday, 10 November 2018

Remembering: 11th November 1918

  • It's quite a time now since I have written a blog but I always did a special one for armistice day and so for this special 100th anniversary of the end of WW1
     here I go again. 

    I made this picture many years ago. The postcards were popular around World War One as soldiers and their sweethearts sent them to one and other. The word "Mizpah" is generally taken to mean "May the Lord watch over thee and me whilst we are apart from one and other" and googling it brings interesting explanations. Mizpah jewellery like rings brooches etc were also popular at that time for the same reason. 

    The poppies are self explanatory and I have talked about the meaning of wearing red and white poppies in previous blogs. But just in case this is a first time read for anyone or another reader hasn't heard the story of the white poppies, there is an explanation below*. I always wear a white poppy and often also a red one as do many others.

    So remembering all those from all countries who died and fought in all conflicts, whether military or civilian. And naming for me especially:

    Granfa Williams (Gallipoli)
    Granfer Bunning (Ypres)
    Uncle John Bunning (Burma)
    Uncle Ron Mills (Arnhem)
    My Dad, Trevor Williams (Conscientious objector)
    All my Williams and extended family uncles
    All the Bunning Great Uncles
    My exfather-in-law Dennis Bailey [Marine - HMS Berwick]
    My exGreat Grandfather-in-law Frederick Bailey [Chelsea Guards]
    All the Bailey exUncles-in-law

*The following statements are taken from the Peace Pledge Union website , from whom white poppies can be bought https://ppu.org.uk/remembrance-white-poppies

"A message originally associated with Remembrance Day, after the first world war, was “never again”. This message slipped away. In response, white poppies were developed in 1933 by the Co-operative Women's Guild to affirm the message of “no more war”.
"White poppies recall all victims of all wars, including victims of wars that are still being fought. This includes people of all nationalities. It includes both civilians and members of armed forces. Today, over 90% of people killed in warfare are civilians.
"In wearing white poppies, we remember all those killed in war, all those wounded in body or mind, the millions who have been made sick or homeless by war and the families and communities torn apart. We also remember those killed or imprisoned for refusing to fight and for resisting war. 
"We differ from the Royal British Legion, who produce red poppies. The Legion says that red poppies are to remember only British armed forces and those who fought alongside them.We want to remember British military dead, but they are not the only victims of war. We also remember the many civilians who have died or suffered in war, both those from the past and those in the midst of war today, in Syria and Yemen and many other violent conflicts around the world. Suffering does not stop at national borders, and nor should remembrance. 
"The best way to respect the victims of war is to work to prevent war in the present and future. Violence only begets more violence. We need to tackle the underlying causes of warfare, such as poverty, inequality and competition over resources. A temporary absence of violence is not enough. Peace is much deeper and broader than that, requiring major social changes to allow us to live more co-operatively"

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